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iOS et iPadOS 17.2 disponibles en Release Candidate avec la liste complète des nouveautés

Florian Innocente

mardi 05 décembre 2023 à 19:35 • 27


iOS 17.2 et son cousin sur iPad sont arrivés en Release Candidate (build 21C62), c'est-à-dire les probables versions finales. Si Apple suit le même calendrier que l'an dernier, le lancement pour le grand public interviendra la semaine prochaine. Au fil de leur développement, plusieurs modifications ont été remarquées et on dispose aussi d'une toute nouvelle app de journal intime.

Il y a du changement dans les réglages de son et de vibrations ; quelques options en plus dans Musique et FaceTime ; de nouveaux filtres pour les contenus sensibles ; on profite d'un renforcement de la sécurité des échanges dans Messages et des positions en plus pour les Memojis. Enfin on dispose d'une app supplémentaire avec Journal, dans laquelle on consigne ses réflexions sur des événements du quotidien.

La nouvelle application Journal

Les notes de version complètes en anglais :


  • Journal is a new app that lets you write about the small moments and big events in your life so you can practice gratitude and improve your wellbeing
  • Journaling suggestions make it easy to remember your experiences by intelligently grouping your outings, photos, workouts, and more into moments you can add to your journal
  • Filters let you quickly find bookmarked entries or show entries with attachments so you can revisit and reflect on key moments in your life
  • Scheduled notifications help you keep a consistent journaling practice by reminding you to write on the days and time you choose
  • Option to lock your journal using Touch ID or Face ID
  • iCloud sync keeps your journal entries safe and encrypted on iCloud

Action Button

  • Translate option for the Action button on iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max to quickly translate phrases or have a conversation with someone in another language


  • Spatial video lets you capture video on iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max so you can relive your memories in three dimensions on Apple Vision Pro
  • Improved Telephoto camera focusing speed when capturing small faraway objects on iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max


  • Catch-up arrow lets you easily jump to your first unread message in a conversation by tapping the arrow visible in the top-right corner
  • Add sticker option in the context menu lets you add a sticker directly to a bubble
  • Memoji updates include the ability to adjust the body shape of any Memoji
  • Contact Key Verification provides automatic alerts and Contact Verification Codes to help verify people facing extraordinary digital threats are messaging only with the people they intend


  • Precipitation amounts help you stay on top of rain and snow conditions for a given day over the next 10 days
  • New widgets let you choose from next-hour precipitation, daily forecast, sunrise and sunset times, and current conditions such as Air Quality, Feels Like, and wind speed
  • Wind map snapshot helps you quickly assess wind patterns and access the animated wind map overlay to prepare for forecasted wind conditions for the next 24 hours
  • Interactive moon calendar lets you easily visualize the phase of the moon on any day for the next month

This update also includes the following improvements and bug fixes:

  • Siri support for privately accessing and logging Health app data using your voice
  • AirDrop improvements including expanded contact sharing options and the ability to share boarding passes, movie tickets, and other eligible passes by bringing two iPhones together
  • Favorite Songs Playlist in Apple Music lets you quickly get back to the songs you mark as favorites
  • Use Listening History in Apple Music can be disabled in a Focus so music you listen to does not appear in Recently Played or influence your recommendations
  • A new Digital Clock Widget lets you quickly catch a glimpse of the time on your Home Screen and while in StandBy
  • Enhanced AutoFill identifies fields in PDFs and other forms enabling you to populate them with information such as names and addresses from your contacts
  • New keyboard layouts provide support for 8 Sámi languages
  • Sensitive Content Warning for stickers in Messages prevents you from being unexpectedly shown a sticker containing nudity
  • Qi2 charger support for all iPhone 13 models and iPhone 14 models
  • Fixes an issue that may prevent wireless charging in certain vehicles

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